Unleash Your Upper Body Power: A Complete Guide to Building Strength and Definition

hey guys welcome back today we’re doinga 15 minute upper body dumbbell workoutso for today’s workout you will needsome weights you can use whatever youhave access to whether you’re at home orin the gym today i’m using two sets ofdumbbells i’m going to be using a set oftens and a set of 15’s but please usedumbbells that suit your strength levelsthe way that this workout is structuredis we have five different exercises andwe are going to be doing each exercisefor one minute taking a 30 second restin between and we’re going to do tworounds and that will bring us to 15minutes so just make sure that you cansee your screen so you can follow alongwith me and without further ado let’sget to itall right guys the first exercise we’regoing to start off with is an arnoldpress so your palms are going to faceforward like soyou’re going to press up one arm at atimeso just a regular shoulder presssqueezing focusing on good form[Music]and we’re here for a minute[Music]be careful not to lock the elbow totallyat the top you want to keep a slightbendin the elbow[Music]all right we take a 30 second rest butour next exercise that we’re going to gointo is a two-way bicep curl so you’regoing to take a regular bicep curlstraight up keeping those elbows tuckedthen we’re going to go into a wide curlso almost like a hammer curl just alittle bit more out to the sideback down to centerand back to a regular bicep curlall right here we goone minute[Music]slow controlmake sure you keep those elbowstucked[Music]myall right 30 second rest next up we’regoing to just another basic movementdoing just some underhandback rows so palms facing forward wecome oversqueeze bringing those dumbbells up andsqueezing the backand back down[Music]here we go

]sometimes think of your hands as hooksand you’re really just squeezing thoseback muscles to bring your dumbbells upyou’re not pulling with your hands toavoid usingor biceps all right 30 second rest next step we’regoing to come downinto a glute bridge positionyou’re going to press your hips upand we’re going to take a chest pressfrom this position so coming upbringing the dumbbells down right besideyouand back uplike so[Music]press up and squeeze[Music][Music]try not to rest at the bottom too long[Music]all rightlast exercise that we’re going to dois a tricep extensionso bring the dumbbell updropping below keeping those elbowslockedand pressing and squeezing up squeezingso you really feel that in your triceps[Music]here we go[Music]uhwhen i get you back oh yeahwhen i get you back oh yeahwhen i get you back oh yeahi promiseall right guys that was our first roundso now we’re gonna repeat that all againstarting off with our shoulder pressesif you need to move down in weightyou are more than welcome to do that weare doing thisfor one minute intervals so it is moreof a burnout rather than doing just afew reps with heavier weightso just do what you canand embrace the burn here we go roundtwo[Music]i want you to focus onpracticing really solid form justkeeping everything nice and strong don’tjust push through the movementsfocus on where your arms need to bewhere you should be feeling it[Music]i hope you feel that wayall right30 second rest going into our two-waybicep curl so regular curlinto a wide curl[Music]here we gocontrol on the way down with thesemovementseverything nice and strong[Music]so[Music]few more seconds[Music]all right[Music]quick rest going to our underhand rows[Music][Music]here we[Music]get go on the way down and squeeze andhold at the top[Music]30 more secondsumall right coming downinto our glute bridge positionbeing in this glute bridge position actsas almost like you’re on decline benchso that way you can focus more of thetension on your chestwhile you’re doing the chest pressmovement and again make sure that yourhands are a little bit forward in frontof you rather than directly side so youwant themjust below like just in the middle ofyour ribs[Music]press those shoulder blades togetherreally use that chest to bring thedumbbells upsqueeze at the top don’t spend too longat the bottom or at the top[Music]betteri try to connect[Music][Music]all rightlast exercise is our tricep extensions[Music]i don’t wanna lead you astray[Music]you say[Music][Music]love youryeah[Music][Music]all right guys and that is it good job ihope you enjoyed this 15 minute upperbody dumbbell workout you’re more thanwelcome to repeat one or two more roundsif you like to increase the intensity alittle bit you can take a little bitextra longer breaks in between eachround um but if you guys enjoyed thisvideo make sure to give this video athumbs up let me know if you’d like tosee more of these style of videos in thecomments down below and if you’re newhere make sure you hit that subscribebutton and you turn on your postnotifications so you don’t miss anotherworkout from me and i’ll see you guysvery soon bye[Music][Music]you

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