Full Body Exercises – Safe and Effective Ways to Lose Weight and Burn Fat

I would like to start a string of posts about some of the best full body exercises that help promote fat loss and rapid weight loss. Full body workouts are so effective for burning calories and fat, because they use many different muscle groups at one time. Because your body is forced to call on so many separate muscle groups at once, full body exercises are a great way to incorporate weight loss, or more importantly, fat loss, into your resistance training regimen. If you’ve never done a full body exercise before, you’ll quickly find that it’s quite a bit different than something like a biceps curl. You’ll be sweaty, out of breath and feeling much more fatigued. If you’re looking to get rid of belly, arm or leg fat and tone your body, these are some killer exercises just for you!

You might be asking, “How do you differentiate a full body exercise from another exercise?” The easiest way to classify a full body exercise is an exercise that uses more than one joint. For example, when you perform a simple biceps curl, you’re only moving at one joint – the elbow. This is called an isolated, or single joint exercise. There is nothing wrong with doing single joint exercises. As always, the way you train should be tailored to your goals. If your goal is to lose weight by reducing your body fat, then there are more effective ways to do that than a simple biceps curl.

Total body exercises may seem intimidating to some people, but have no fear! Just because they are a bit more complex than single joint exercises doesn’t mean you can’t do them. It may take some time to master them (form is ALWAYS priority #1), but you will get better quickly. You’ll find that doing full body exercises burns fat and helps you lose weight while making your body look better than ever! Without further adieu, here are three of the best full body exercises to burn fat and lose weight (in no particular order):

#1 – Squat w/ Shoulder Press

Muscles Worked:

Shoulders, Glutes, Quads, Core


The Squat Press is a great example of a full body exercise. It utilizes the legs, core and arms resulting in a high calorie burning workout. This is a great exercise to strengthen your legs with the added weight, while toning your shoulders. You’ll also find that the Squat Press challenges your core throughout this great full body exercise.


The squat is an exercise I see done incorrectly on a daily basis. Without proper form, squatting can be a primary source of knee pain. Most often, if you’re feeling knee pain due to squats, you need to have your form checked by a professional. Also, as with any overhead exercise, people with shoulder problems may struggle initially with the Shoulder Press.

#2 – Chin Up

Muscles Worked:

Biceps, Trapezius, Rhomboids, Deltoids, Core


The Chin Up is an excellent exercise to work multiple muscle groups at once. Chin Ups are a perfect exercise to include in a weight loss exercise program because you can work so many different muscles with one exercise. This makes you workout much more efficient by being able to maximize your time. Chin Ups will get your back looking toned and your biceps bulging.The Chin Up is one of the best exercises to maximize your time exercising!


Chin Ups are hard! If you’re new to Chin Ups, try using a Chin Up Machine where you’re able to adjust the amount weight. If you don’t have a machine available, recruit a friend to hold your feet or stand a chair until you’re able to do them without help.

These are your first two full body exercises to incorporate into your work out program. The Squat and Press and the Chin Up maximize fat loss while promoting muscle gain by utilizing multiple muscle groups at one time. Using body weight exercises like these can also be effective for people who don’t have access to a gym or equipment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8547788

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