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Best Ab Exercise Fitness – How To Get Ripped Abs Fast


Many people around the world want to get washboard abs, but fail despite their best efforts and the countless number of abs exercise equipments they purchase. This is because they do not have the right knowledge about abs. There is simply too much misleading information in the advertising industry. To get abs fast, you will need to learn what it takes to melt away the fats on your stomach.

1. Understanding Your Abs Better

To properly understand your exercise routines, you may want to understand how your abs are built. The muscles that run down the sides of your stomach down to your waist are your internal obliques and external obliques. The main muscle that almost all your ab exercises would target would be the rectus abdominal that stretches from your rips to your hips and down to the stomach.

2. What Are The Best Types Of Exercises?

Many abdominal exercises will cause your ab muscles to overwork, and you should do them in quick intervals for the best results. Try not to take a long break in between your exercises. The best types of workouts hanging leg raises, and they are much better than crunches because your legs are heavier than your upper body. But leg raises are harder to perform for beginners.

3. The Simplest Abdominal Exercises: Ab Crunch

The ab crunch is very helpful for beginners who do not yet have a set of well developed abs, but is not as useful for people who have already been training their abs for some time. The crunch is done by lying on the floor on your back and lifting your torso off the floor. One cycle of the ab crunch typically consists of 16 repetitions, but you can do more if you are not exhausted by the end of 16 reps.

4. What Should You Eat, And What Not To Eat?

A good ab workout needs to be complimented with a healthy diet to be effective. The foods you eat and the frequency and amounts you eat them will determine whether your body stores more fat, or burns fat. Try to combine a good amount of protein and unprocessed carbohydrates at every meal, and you should start seeing your washboard abs as your fats melt away.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kenneth_Lim/82724

3 Super Abdominal Exercise Tips


So, you want to get ripped quick. With or without ab exercise equipment. Maybe summer is coming and you want to look really good in those swimming trunks or bikini.

Bad news…you’re not going to get ripped overnight. Good news…it can be done in a realistic time frame, which will of course depend on your current condition.

Get Ripped Quick – Super Tip 1: Sorting out your diet

First of all you need to sort out your diet. Don’t cut down on your calorie intake too severely as this can lead to muscle loss and also negatively affect your metabolism.

Ideally you want to strike a good balance between your intake of fat, carbohydrates and also protein.

The most important foods that you should cut out are refined sugars and starches. On the flip side you’d want to make sure you take in plenty of whole, natural, unprocessed foods like vegetables, organic meat, nuts, fruit and eggs.

Super Tip 2: What are the best type of cardio exercises to do?

Forget about doing endless long cardio in your ab exercise routine. You want to switch to shorter, more intense workouts. Not only are they more effective at speeding up your metabolism, but they’re also more fun, easier to fit into your busy schedule and easier to stick to. Examples include:

Rope Jumping
Short Sprints
Hill Sprints
Stair Climbing
Interval Training
Waist High Roundhouse Kicks on a Punch Bag

If you don’t know, interval training is quite simply where periods of intense exercise are mixed with periods of less intense exercise, or recovery. A simple example would be doing a 70m hill sprint, then walking back down before doing another.

Interval training improves the performance of the cardiovascular system and also helps remove the risk of strain injuries that can occur during repetitive endurance exercises.

Quite simply, you burn more calories during short, high intensity exercises than with long, slow cardio exercises. If you want to get ripped quick, interval training is the way to go.

Don’t over train, however. You will inhibit your body’s recovery and get exactly the opposite results of what you want. An injury caused by over training can also put you out of action for a long time, and there’s no need for me to explain what that means. Exercise about 3, maximum 4 times a week, and listen to your body.

Super Tip 3: What are the best abdominal exercises to do?

Focus on full body exercises instead of exercises that only isolate the abs. Most of your exercise time should be spent on these. I’m talking about pushups, pullups, squats, lunges, mountain climbers, static jumps. These are specifically exercises that don’t even require any ab exercise equipment, gym equipment or weights.

To get ripped quick you need to engage your entire body. Be sure to include some exercises that specifically target and isolate the abs in your routine, like jack knives, suspended leg lifts and reverse crunches, but don’t do ONLY those. Get your whole body working and you’ll burn fat much more effectively.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Nicolaas_Theron/181382

Learn The Right Workout And Diet To Achieve Six Pack Abs


One of the top stated goals of men and women who regularly attend the gym is to get toned and flat abs. The abdominal muscles are what truly identify someone that is serious about a healthy diet and fitness, and someone who is not. The best strategy to get those six pack abs before the next trip to the beach will include eating a healthy diet, performing abs exercises, doing cardio, and having a full body workout routine.

Eating unhealthy foods can make all the abs exercises go for naught. When working towards a goal of 6 pack abs, it is crucial to eliminate all the fat in the current diet, and begin a low fat, low carb diet immediately. Foods like French fries, chips, candy bars and soda are examples of foods that will add body fat to the body. Try to concentrate on eating low carb foods that will help to build lean muscles. Eating right is as important as exercising when having an overall goal of fat loss.

To achieve the long-desired six pack, perform exercises that focus on toning the abdominal muscles. Some of the simplest, yet most effective abs-targeting workouts are sit-ups and crunches. These exercises are not only good for fat burning, but also making the muscles more prominent. As with any exercise routine, combine the abs-exercises with complete body workouts to really see the effects.

Cardio training is a major part of a six pack abs workout and will help achieve the goal quicker. The most orthodox methods like running, jogging, climbing stairs, cycling and walking, all still work best. Doing cardio workouts in the early morning, between six and nine is best. Cardio training on an empty stomach will allow the metabolism to burn more calories and force the body to use energy from stored fat.

The final step in the fat burning process is full body exercises. Nothing will help achieve great abdominal muscles faster than working every muscle in the body. Remember, building a lean body with great muscle tone will definitely speed the metabolism, making it easy to lose fat fast. Continuing to monitor progress, and keeping the set goals in mind at all times, will lead to 6 pack abs quicker than ever thought possible.

With the health conscious world we live in today, it seems that everybody wants to get six pack abs, and quick. The problem is that only a handful of people are actually willing to put in the hard work and determination needed to get the desired results. Staying committed, and focusing on diet, abs exercises, cardio and total body workouts will lead to sexy washboard abs.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Doug_A_Zipevski/775951

TOP Weight Loss Abs Exercises


The best weight loss exercise is interval training. Combined with diet, that will get you very close to six pack abs. But when you need to do additional abs exercises, the surprising fact is that you don’t need to do situps or crunches for a flat stomach.

I recently did an abs exercises workout at the local YMCA…and I saw every (useless) type of abdominal exercise imaginable. People were doing all sorts of stuff that won’t:

a) Get them 6-pack abs


b) protect their low back from soreness

They were doing crunches, side crunches, some thing where they were passing the big ball between their hands and their knees. All a big waste of time. Even situps (of course, these were done with the worst form in the world – that person must have a sore neck today!).

Conventional thinking says we have to do a whole bunch of sit-ups and crunches to get six pack abs. But don’t most people hate doing sit ups and crunches?

That’s why I don’t have these exercises in the home abdominal abs exercises workout plans. Neither of the exercises is necessary to get six pack abs.

Crunches are a huge waste of your time. Such a small movement does little in terms of burning belly fat or sculpting your abs. Every smart trainer knows that if you can do a resistance exercise 50 times in a row, like you can with crunches, that there is little benefit to body composition.

Situps are a more difficult exercise, but like crunches, sit-ups are hard on the low back. Spinal flexion – when you round your low back – compresses the discs between your vertebrae and is actually the same mechanism that causes disc herniations. So both are un-necessary and risky moves. Too risky for my tastes.

Here are some replacements for sit-ups and crunches. Three pairs of exercises for every fitness level.

Beginner level

-> Plank
-> Side Plank

Intermediate Level

-> Stability Ball Rollout
-> Hanging Knee Raise

Advanced Level

-> Pull-up with Knee-up
-> Hanging Leg Raise

Never do sit-ups again. Use these abs exercises as replacements to help you build six pack abs safely.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Craig_Ballantyne/23799

Top 10 Abs Exercises – How to Perform and What Are the Benefits


Tired of doing crunches without any visible effect on your abs? Well, there is no need to feel guilty because a lot of people can relate to that. These people would also readily give anything just to have a perfectly toned body and great abs just like the models on TV or at the billboards. Well, such wistful thinking is actually attainable, even by those who are not fond of bodybuilding and the gym. Forget the simple crunches and learn the Top 10 Abs Exercises to maximize the development of your Abs.

# 10 Abs Exercise – Ab Roller Crunch

An Ab Roller is an important tool for toning the abs – it is especially useful for beginners, as to prevent injuries and pulled muscles. What is so great about the Ab Roller is that it allows the user to have great abs without having to work too hard. The entire rectus abdominis is put to work here. The roller also provides support to the neck and arms so that the user can feel comfortable while working out.

First, the user sits on the Ab Roller and holds the support bars firmly. Then, by contracting the abs, the user rocks the roller back and forth. By allowing the abs muscles to contract, the user slowly goes back to starting position.

#9 Abs Exercise – Exercise Ball Crunch

The Exercise Ball Crunch is another effective tool in exercising the abs. It is much better than doing crunches on the floor because the upper and lower muscles are directly targeted and must do a lot of work.

The user must recline slightly on the exercise ball, carefully positioned under the lower back. While crossing the arms either over the chest or at the back of the head, the user slowly contracts the abs until the torso is lifted from the ball and the chest crunching down to the hips. Then, slowly and carefully, the user curls up while ensuring that the exercise ball does not roll off.

#8 Abs Exercise – Full Vertical Crunch

Aside from toning the lower abs, upper abs, and obliques, the full vertical crunch also targets the upper and lower body; thus, ensuring an effective abs workout exercise.

The exercise is performed by lying on the back with the legs fully extended upwards. Then, the exerciser must hold the head lightly and contract the abs so that the shoulder blades are lifted off the floor while pressing the heels together to reach the ceiling. The body is slowly lowered down and the cycle repeated.

# 7 Abs Exercise – Twist and crunch

Adding a twist to the simple crunch makes it more effective. Like the simple crunch, this exercise also targets the upper and lower abs but adds work on the obliques.

This exercise is done on a mat, with both hands behind the ears and the legs perpendicular to the floor. Then, the left oblique muscles are contracted so that the hips begin to twist. While in this position, the abs are contracted so that the right elbow moves across the body towards the outside of the left knee, then back to starting position. These are then repeated for the right side of the body.

# 6 Abs Exercise – Long Arm Crunch

The long arm crunch which is almost identical to the simple floor crunch but performed with the arms fully extended behind the head. This exercise is much difficult and challenging than the simple crunch. It targets the upper muscles of the abs.

First, the exerciser must stretch out on the mat with the knees bended and the arms fully extended over the head. Using the abs muscle, the upper body is lifted until the chest reaches the knees, then, back to starting position.

# 5 Abs Exercise – Jackknife

The Jackknife is also related to the simple crunch; however, this time, the body jackknifes into position. In the crunch, the lower body is steady while the upper body moves. With the jackknife, it is the whole body moves into position. This exercise works on all the abdominal muscles as well as leg and arm muscles.

At the starting position, the whole body is stretched out on the floor, with the arms fully extended above the head. Then, the arms and legs are lifted simultaneously so that, ideally, the fingertips will reach the toes. The abdominal muscles are contracted to initiate the movement; then, these are relaxed to allow the body to return to the starting position.

#4 Abs Exercise. Reverse crunch

Just as its name suggests, the reverse crunch is the opposite of the usual crunch. This is especially good on the lower abs. It ranks better than the usual crunches because of the added challenge of lifting one’s body against gravity using the abs muscles only.

It is done by, first, lying on the floor with the arms relaxed at the sides, on the floor. Then, with the feet crossed, the knees are brought to the chest until it is bent at 90 degrees. Then, using only the ab muscles, the hips are lifted off the floor while the legs reach for the ceiling. Slowly, the body is lowered down.

# 3 Abs Exercise – Front plank on ball

For this exercise, an exercise ball and a flat bench are necessary. The flat bench act as the main support for the upper body while the exercise ball is the movable support for the bottom part. The exercise targets the abdominal muscles as well as the lower body for great washboard abs.

The elbows are folded on a flat bench while the balls of the feet are resting on top of the ball. The abs are contracted to make the body parallel to the floor. Then, the user goes back to starting position using the abs muscle only, as much as possible.

# 2 Abs Exercise – Captain’s Chair Exercise

The Captain’s Chair Exercise involves a special equipment called a Captain’s Chair which looks like an elevated arm chair with no seat; it has padded parts for comfort. It is important for toning the abs muscles and the obliques. It also keeps the upper body fit.

The exerciser grips the handholds to keep the upper part of the body stabilized. Then, while pressing the back against the pad, the abs are contracted the legs are raised. The knees are then lifted towards the chest without swinging them up. Slowly, the user goes back to starting position.

# 1 Abs Exercise – Bicycle Crunch Exercise

The Bicycle Crunch Exercise is considered to be among the best abs workout exercises. It directly targets the abs muscles and the obliques. This exercise keeps the whole body moving so that it also tones the muscles of the upper and lower body.

While lying on the floor with the fingers laced together behind the head, the knees are brought to the chest and the shoulder blades lifted off the floor. One leg is straightened out while the upper body is twisted to the opposite side so that the elbow reaches the opposite knee. While performing the exercise, it is important to create a “pedaling” motion just like that used for a real bicycle. The exercise is repeated for the other side.

In conclusion, there are plenty of exercises and workout routines that people can try with some being more effective than the others. Abs Workout Equipment have come up with their top 10 Abs Exercises. Some of these exercises also target other parts of the body for a better toned body to match the beautiful washboard abs. Although difficult at first, a lot of people can master these exercises in no time at all to ensure great abs muscles within weeks of exercise. Moreover, to prevent injuries, it is important to follow the steps correctly and to breathe slowly and evenly.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Darryl_S_Jones/582592

Best Workout At Home to gain Muscle


One of the most-asked questions in the bodybuilding world is how to achieve better results faster when it comes to building muscle. The most common response is that it takes time and patience, but there are some ways to build more muscle fast – or at least faster.

Naturally shortening time between sets, adding more reps per set and even adding more sets to your workout can all add to your hypertrophy – but only up to a point. Overdoing it can be as bad as skipping the workout, as the body needs to be able to recover sufficiently between workouts. Overtraining can lead to injury, burnout, demotivation and even muscle loss.

That’s where these techniques come in handy, as you only add them once or twice a week, and only on one or two of the exercises you’re doing that day. So let’s take a look at drop sets, super-slow reps and forced negatives, each of which can help you build muscle faster when added to your workouts prudently.

Drop sets are an add-on to your final set of an exercise. You’ve completed your 4 or 5 sets and as you finish that last set, with as little break as possible you reduce the weight by 10 – 20% and do as many more reps as you can. When that’s done, immediately remove another 20% of the weight and rep out again. Again, only do this on one or two exercises per workout.

Another tip for building more muscle quicker is to slow down your reps – a lot. Try for 2-3 seconds when you’re contracting the muscle, and 4-6 seconds when you’re returning to the starting point, with no pause at the top or bottom of the exercise. Super-slow sets stop you from using momentum to keep the target muscles working harder and let you focus entirely on feeling each rep and the muscle you are targeting. This increased mind-muscle connection and increased time under tension will go a long way to helping you build muscle, even if you have to use slightly lighter weights to maintain proper exercise form.

The third technique for today is forced negatives. The negative part of any exercise is the half from fully contracted muscle back to the original starting point. On a curl, for example, it’s the lowering of the weight back down to full extension, while on a lat pulldown it’s letting the bar or handle go back up to the top. Since it takes a greater weight to fatigue the negative than the positive, finish your last set and then increase the weight beyond your capacity to lift it and focus strictly on the negative.

This is a more advanced method, and you need to be very careful to avoid injury. You’ll need a spotter or workout partner to help you with the lift in exercises like bench press or barbell curl since the weight is 20% over your max, and then they can let you lower the weight slowly and under control on your own – although they still need to spot you on the bench press.

This last method is also a great help if you’re weight training at home and only have dumbbells to use. In the gym there’s no problem as you get stronger in dumbbell curls – you just move up to the next weight. But training at home usually means you’ve only got so many dumbbells and soon no way to increase the weight. So after you’ve used super-slow sets you can move on to forced negatives by using one hand at a time for the negative, while using both hands to raise the weight.

Do your dumbbell curls to failure and when you can’t get another rep, use both hands to raise the weight and lower it as slowly as possible using just one arm. This technique can also be used with bent rows, triceps extensions etc., but please don’t try it with squats as there is just too much chance of injury, even with a spotter.

So use these techniques to build your muscle mass faster with your home workouts – or even in the gym. Keep on track and make sure your sleep and nutrition are also on point for the best results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10452886

Chest exercises the Unexpected Benefits


“The key is to start small and simple, with low weights at high repetition, and gradually build-up from there,” Dr. Ravindra adds. “This approach will help build confidence and avoid injury.”

When was the last time you did a chest exercise? If you’re having difficulty answering this question, you’re definitely not the only one. Despite all the benefits that strength training offers—reduced fat, improved heart health, controlled blood sugar levels, boosted flexibility and mobility—it doesn’t seem to be enough to get most women interested in doing regular chest exercises.

CREDIT . Passion4Profession

Chest and Abs Workout (BOTH IN 13 MINUTES!) 


It’s crucial to exercise the correct muscle groups simultaneously on the same day.

The question of whether you can perform chest and abs on the same day is covered in this article.

We examine some of the advantages and disadvantages of doing this as well as some important factors, such which one to train first and if they should be completed in one session or two.

Can I Work Out My Abs And Chest On The Same Day?
It is perfectly acceptable to work out both your chest and your abs on the same day.

During numerous exercises, your abs are in charge of keeping your body balanced and stable.

Home abs Workout for Beginners


Perform this workout every second day (e.g. Mon-Wed-Fri) for at least two weeks. Then you’ll be ready to perform the next level of this workout.
Good Luck to get six pack!


  1. Working aerobically on your abdominal muscles for over 7 minutes stimulates the capillaries in this area. These in turn increase the blood flow.
  2. A greater blood flow means a greater flow of oxygen – and fat only burns in the presence of oxygen.
  3. Toned muscles need more calories (kcal) to stay active. Our organism tends to release these calories from the area near the active muscles. So it burns fat in that area.


  1. The module is designed to work the abdominal area ‘aerobically’. Performing it straight after an aerobic workout (e.g.: running, spinning, swimming or other aerobic activities) will improve the positive effect.
  2. Learn the instructions for each exercise of this workout. Ensure you perform exercises properly.
  3. Pay attention on the correct breathing while performing the exercises. It is very important and will help you achieve the best results possible.

Credit ; Passion4Profession

BEST Exercises To Grow Forearms At Home


All guys who are into fitness and who have ever been into action movies want big arms or have wanted to have big arms at some point in their lives. In fact most guys work out their arms first when they first join the gym, it just one of those testosterone driven things that have not been seeded out by evolution if you believe in that sort of thing. Big arms are a sign of masculinity and guys like to show how alpha they are by the size of their guns.

The mistakes we make when it comes building big arms

One of the first workouts we guys do when we first join the gym is the bicep curl; it does not really matter whether it’s the barbell or the dumbbell curl. We have the misconception that doing bicep curls is all that is needed to build monster arms. Yes at the beginning your biceps will respond and grow because of beginner gains (anything you do at this point stimulates growth since you were not used to it), but soon beginner gains stop and you have to find other ways to bring about growth and you will notice that your arms are not as big and thick (width wise) as you would have liked them to be.

The other thing we don’t do is we do not work out other body parts, which is a really bad move because if you want to look the part and proportional you have to work out other body parts. Imagine Arnold without his big chest and shoulders to back up his huge arms, he would not have looked the part and he definitely would not have won the Olympia or gotten the role of Conan the barbarian.

The third thing we do is that we over train and do not give our muscles enough time to recover and grow, doing the same workouts and working out the same body parts day after day. In the beginning this is usually your biceps so you do not get the maximum growth you expect from the amount of work you put in.

And finally we do not eat good food (healthy) or drink enough water instead we drink too much coffee, juice (not fresh juice), fizzy drinks and alcohol. Sipping on cola and other such drinks the whole day is not going to do you any good, and drinking beer (too much as in binge drinking for college and high school guys) is counter-productive. Drinking water will do you much good. Eating junk food will not help you build lean muscle mass, in fact because you will be eating more because you workout, eating junk will also add to the amount of fat you gain.

How to get big arms:

Getting big arms is about more than training your biceps it is about training your whole arm which includes your triceps as well, if you work out your triceps your arms will be bigger because your triceps are bigger than your biceps ( haven’t you ever wonder why triceps have ‘tri’ and biceps ‘Bi’ as a prefix).

Furthermore you should train your large body parts as well as this will help make your arms bigger because training you large body parts like your back and legs helps to release hormones that make you grow more and help you become stronger. This can be done by doing exercises such as squats and dead-lifts which workout your whole body.

A guy with big arms and no chest and shoulders never look good so it will be at your best interest to focus on those body parts as well, not only will it make you look better, stronger but it will help your other body parts recover because you will train each body part on a separate day. This helps avoid over-training, your body will get enough rest and it will recover and grow.

Drinking lots of water will allow for your blood volume to increase and improve the transportation of nutrients to your entire body. Proper nutrition will make sure you minimise fat gain and you maximise muscle gain because your diet will help to repair and build new muscle cells.

So you see getting big arms is not only about curling weights, there are other factors that influence whether you grow and how much you grow in terms of fat and muscle gain. If you follow these guidelines to growing your arms you will notice the difference in your body and strength levels in the following weeks.

This video explains 4 BEST Exercises To Grow Forearms At Home :

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6974869

Source : NEXT Workout