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3 Best Tips to Train the Lower Abs Fast


Training the lower abs is for most people not easy at all. Just look at most people who are training their abs from some time. They do have fairly well developed upper abdominals but their lower abs are untrained. Look your quest is to have a complete six pack abs. In the next paragraphs you read some good tips to train the lower abs.

1) The myth of spot reduction
It is important that you have a low enough body percentage to see your six pack abs. If your body fat percentage is too high you will never see your six pack because they are hidden under a layer of fat. Most people do think that they can remove lower abdominal fat by doing specific lower abs exercises.

2) Sit-ups or crunches are not effective
A popular believe is that you have to do a lot of crunches and sit-ups to train the lower abs this are simply not true. Sit-up is the most popular exercise to train the abs but it is not an abs exercise. In fact doing sit-ups is a very good workout to suffer from lower back pain and a poor posture. The same applies for crunches as well. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do crunches but do at least some effective crunch exercises such as the reverse crunch exercise.

3) Do effective lower ab exercises
There are some effective exercises to train the abdominal muscle. Do them on a regular base but never forget the old saying “abs are made in the kitchen”. Swiss ball exercises are a great way to train the lower abs. Here are three other exercises for you to have strong lower abs.
– The hanging knee raise
– Lying scissors.
– The jacknife sit-up

These tips are proved to work as long as you take action. And do not forget the most important element to get six pack abs is to eat right. Thirty percent of your success comes from exercises and the big other part comes from your nutrition.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1495879

Building muscle with exercise


The building muscle process is relatively simple to understand.

With all of the information available on the internet, you’d think it would be easier to find information about just what exactly causes muscles to grow. There are quite a few misconceptions out there and this article will put down a few of those myths and reveal exactly what happens when your body builds muscle.

The whole process begins when the existing muscles in the body are put under extreme stress, such as when they push or pull more weight then they are used to pushing and pulling.

When muscles are asked to do more work than they are accustomed to, they suffer minor ruptures. You’ll feel these micro-tears as muscle soreness. These mini-injuries are repaired while the body rests. The resulting muscle is slightly larger than before, better able to handle the stress that caused the initial tears.

A bodybuilder maximizes the muscle building process by continuously escalating the stress level place on muscle groups. This is accomplished by increasing the amount of weight, the repetitions of the exercises and/or changing the type of exercise used on a specific muscle, causing new micro-tears, building the muscle more and more.

Massive muscle growth requires a specific nutritional plan as well. There are three macronutrients that you’ll need in correct proportions to fuel muscle growth. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats will deliver the nutritional payload your muscles call for.

Carbohydrates provide the fuel to get you through your workouts. Slow digesting, low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates, most fruit and vegetables (excluding potatoes, corn and peas), whole grains, basmati rice and pasta are favored because they don’t cause a spike in blood sugar like high glycemic carbs will. A sharp spike in blood sugar causes an increase in insulin production which makes it more likely that food energy would be stored as fat, not used as energy. Post workout meals, however, often contain some quickly digested carbs in order to replace glycogen in the muscles and promote protein synthesis.

Protein is the building block of muscle creation and professional bodybuilders eat massive amounts of it. For some, protein is almost one-third of their calories for the day. In addition to poultry, beef, pork and eggs, protein powders made from whey or soy are added to meals or used as meal replacements in shakes.

You need approximately two tablespoons of dietary fat each day. Approved sources of fat for the muscle builder are the unsaturated kind which is liquid at room temperature and is found in canola and olive oils, nuts, seeds and avocados.

The missing components here are rest and recuperation. You’ve placed your body under great stress and it needs rest. The specific muscles you’ve worked on need to recuperate and shouldn’t be exercised again until they properly recover. For most people that means at least 48 hours should elapse between workouts of the same muscles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/942441

The Best Full Body Workout Routine


Full Body Exercises – Safe and Effective Ways to Lose Weight and Burn Fat

I would like to start a string of posts about some of the best full body exercises that help promote fat loss and rapid weight loss. Full body workouts are so effective for burning calories and fat, because they use many different muscle groups at one time. Because your body is forced to call on so many separate muscle groups at once, full body exercises are a great way to incorporate weight loss, or more importantly, fat loss, into your resistance training regimen. If you’ve never done a full body exercise before, you’ll quickly find that it’s quite a bit different than something like a biceps curl. You’ll be sweaty, out of breath and feeling much more fatigued. If you’re looking to get rid of belly, arm or leg fat and tone your body, these are some killer exercises just for you!

You might be asking, “How do you differentiate a full body exercise from another exercise?” The easiest way to classify a full body exercise is an exercise that uses more than one joint. For example, when you perform a simple biceps curl, you’re only moving at one joint – the elbow. This is called an isolated, or single joint exercise. There is nothing wrong with doing single joint exercises. As always, the way you train should be tailored to your goals. If your goal is to lose weight by reducing your body fat, then there are more effective ways to do that than a simple biceps curl.

Total body exercises may seem intimidating to some people, but have no fear! Just because they are a bit more complex than single joint exercises doesn’t mean you can’t do them. It may take some time to master them (form is ALWAYS priority #1), but you will get better quickly. You’ll find that doing full body exercises burns fat and helps you lose weight while making your body look better than ever! Without further adieu, here are three of the best full body exercises to burn fat and lose weight (in no particular order):

#1 – Squat w/ Shoulder Press

Muscles Worked:

Shoulders, Glutes, Quads, Core


The Squat Press is a great example of a full body exercise. It utilizes the legs, core and arms resulting in a high calorie burning workout. This is a great exercise to strengthen your legs with the added weight, while toning your shoulders. You’ll also find that the Squat Press challenges your core throughout this great full body exercise.


The squat is an exercise I see done incorrectly on a daily basis. Without proper form, squatting can be a primary source of knee pain. Most often, if you’re feeling knee pain due to squats, you need to have your form checked by a professional. Also, as with any overhead exercise, people with shoulder problems may struggle initially with the Shoulder Press.

#2 – Chin Up

Muscles Worked:

Biceps, Trapezius, Rhomboids, Deltoids, Core


The Chin Up is an excellent exercise to work multiple muscle groups at once. Chin Ups are a perfect exercise to include in a weight loss exercise program because you can work so many different muscles with one exercise. This makes you workout much more efficient by being able to maximize your time. Chin Ups will get your back looking toned and your biceps bulging.The Chin Up is one of the best exercises to maximize your time exercising!


Chin Ups are hard! If you’re new to Chin Ups, try using a Chin Up Machine where you’re able to adjust the amount weight. If you don’t have a machine available, recruit a friend to hold your feet or stand a chair until you’re able to do them without help.

These are your first two full body exercises to incorporate into your work out program. The Squat and Press and the Chin Up maximize fat loss while promoting muscle gain by utilizing multiple muscle groups at one time. Using body weight exercises like these can also be effective for people who don’t have access to a gym or equipment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8547788

5 of the Best Back Moves for Building Muscle

  • Inverted Row
  • Lat Pulldown
  • Single-arm T-bar Rows
  • Farmer’s Walk
  • Renegade Row

1/Inverted Row

The inverted row is a bodyweight movement that uses a barbell and squat stand or power rack (or similar stable horizontal surface such as a table) to train the muscles of upper back & arms.

This movement is also called the Australian pull-up or Aussie pull-up.

The primary muscles trained include the forearm or grip muscles, biceps brachii, and rhomboids, trapezius, and posterior deltoids.

Australian pull-ups enable lifters to train the muscles of the arms, forearm, & upper back without necessarily having to use a barbell or chin-up bar.

This movement cannot be as precisely loaded as a barbell row or weighted chin-up, and it is relatively difficult to add weight (can throw on chains or a weight vest). To increase the difficulty, move your feet farther out or elevate your feet onto a box, bench, or similar item.

The inverted row can be used for lifters of any training advancement. New lifters may perform this with feet closer to the bar to train the muscles of their upper back, arms, and forearms to prepare to train with barbells. More advanced lifters complete this as accessory work at the end of their workouts, potentially as part of a circuit.

Typically these are performed for as many reps as possible (AMRAPs). So a lifter will typically perform these for 2-5 sets of AMRAPs.

Another way to perform these complete a total number of reps and break it up however is needed (e.g. 30 reps). In between sets, the lifter may perform other exercises or simply rest.

These can easily be performed as part of a circuit, either as an AMRAP, for a set number of reps, or, as laid out in the above paragraph where other exercises are performed in between sets until the prescribed number of reps is completed.

Gym Shorts videos provide short video demonstrations of correct form for various exercises.

Follow these steps:
-Grab bar about 1 hand width outside knurling (roughly same grip as bench press)
-Elevate body so body forms 1 straight line & arms are straight
-Feet out (farther out = harder)
-Pull chest up to bar
-Lower in controlled motion
-Elevate your feet to increase the difficulty
-Same as feet on ground: pull chest up to bar while keeping body as rigid as possible

2/Lat Pulldown

Lat Pulldown Exercise: Proper Form & Common Technique Error

The target muscle is the latissimus dorsi (colored red) which pulls the humerus downward and adducts the arm toward the body (shoulder adduction).

The elbow flexors (pink) assist in elbow flexion, the posterior deltoid and the teres major assist in shoulder adduction.

The brachialis is more dominant in the pronation grip than in the supination grip, where the biceps brachii is dominant.

3/ Single-arm T-bar Rows



4/ Farmer’s Walk

How To Do The Kettlebell Farmers Walk

5/ Renegade Row

The Core-Training Workout: Renegade Row

The Ultimate Back and Biceps Workout for Strength & Mass


There are many ways to skin a cat as they say. There are also many ways to build muscle. The issue is which is the fastest and which way develops usable strength while also building muscle.

For those of us who are trying pack on some muscle in the fastest way possible, high intensity training is a tried and true form of bodybuilding training.

Our goal is to lift the most weight, while doing relatively low to medium reps, then resting and getting the proper nutrition. Don’t do too many sets and exercises. Train each body part about once per week and get plenty of rest and the proper nutrition while lifting heavy on the basics exercises

Watch the video for more info :

Credit by :


Steve Cook

7 Best Exercises To Train CHEST for MASS


Workout for chest at the moment, watch the video and follow along to increase your chest size.

Credit by : Steve Cook

The Best Exercises For a Complete Back Workout


This workout is for those that want to grow their backs but dont train at conventional gyms or train at home, Suitable for Any level and for both Men and Women (scale down the sets ladies)

Just like the Chest Vid we are using only a Barbell, Dumbbell, Rings/Trx and bodyweight.

(activating your lats stretch)
Resistant band
Kneeling band pull down x 20

Workout 1
Pull ups (ring or bar) x 5 sets
1-2nd set bw x 12 2sec tempo / 1 sec at top
3rd set x bw x 10 x 3 tempo / 1 sec at top
4 – 5th sets with Dip Belt x 8 – 10
(you can do over hand grip pulls thats absolutely fine… stick to what you prefer)

Workout 2
A: Barbell underhand Grip Rows
3 sets x 12reps @ 2 sec eccentric tempo
4th set a dropset of 3 at 12/ 8 / 8 reps
or DB rows
(Alt with DB if no Bar)

B: Super set with incline bench trap raise
4sets x 10reps @ 3sec eccentric tempo

Workout 3:
A: Lying bench rows 3sets x 12 @ 3 sec tempo
B: Superset with ring rows 3sets x 12 @ 3-4 sec tempo
(Alt with feet elevated)

Workout 4
Single arm DB rows x 4sets @ 2 sec eccentric tempo
1set – elbows close row
2nd – Elbows out row
3rd – close
4th- wide

CREDIT BY / Obi Vincent



The program :

  1. 2:44 slant board squats 4 sets of 10-15
  2. 3:18 single leg squats off a box (knees over toes) 4 sets of 10-15
  3. 4:34 leg press (toes on bottom of the platform) 4 sets of 8 reps
  4. 5:17 Bulgarian split squat (with dumbbells) each leg 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps (6:00 he explains you can do them on a slant board/front foot on the downward slant)
  5. 6:14 single leg leg extensions (toes pointed outwards) 4 sets of 10-15

watch the video youtube for more :

Source : Steve Cook