3 Simple Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do at Home – Workout Without Weights
So you want to workout without weights from home? I don’t blame you. I personally hate the gym, and am never going back. Not only is it unnecessary, but you can actually get a better workout at home with simple bodyweight exercises and a few kettlebells than you can at the gym… don’t let gym advertising or anyone else with a gym membership fool you.
Now I could write about a 500 page article on why I feel this type of workout is better for you, and give you a giant list of exercises to do, but I’m going to keep this short. I will however continue to write workout and fitness advice (mostly based around working out from home), so keep checking back for more info and exercises.
OK so let’s get into it.
Workout Without Weights Exercise #1: Burpees
Burpees are essentially a pushup, into a squat, in a jump. From the standing position, squat down, place your hands on the floor, extend your legs behind you, and do a pushup. At the height of the pushup, get back into a squat position, and jump into the air and extend your hands over your head (if this is unclear to you, again search on you tube). Sounds easy enough, but do a number of these at speed and it’s a killer.
Workout Without Weights Exercise #2: Hanging Leg Lifts
We don’t want to leave out your core, so here’s a great ab exercise. Hang from your chinup bar, and attempt to bring your legs up to parallel with the floor, while not bending your knees. If you can’t do this, feel free to bend your knees as much as you need to, and simply work up to being able to do it with straight legs. Whatever position your knees are in, once your legs are up, hold the position for as long as you can.
So there you have it… five great exercises you can do at home… and I’ll be writing about plenty more in the future as well!
Workout Without Weights Exercise #3: The Pushup
Yes yes I know, everyone knows about the pushup and it’s nothing special. Well don’t underestimate this simple exercise. It’s incredibly effective, and can build some awesome muscle. Am I saying you should only do pushups? Of course not. As with any other workout routine, incorporate it in with other exercises.
Make sure you have proper form, and lower yourself until your upper arm is parallel with the floor at least… range of motion is very important. To add some variety, try spiderman pushups and grasshopper pushups as well. Also workout on pushups with your hands far apart (working more of your outer chest), and your hands closer together (workout more your inner chest and triceps).
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4831033