3 Best Healthy Snacks High In Protein 

So you workout pretty hard and need a decent amount of protein every day to keep your muscles from disappearing. I know how it is, and it can be a task to always find something to eat. You don’t want to be constantly eating meat to get your protein (for health reasons), so what else can you eat? You need some high protein snacks!

Well here are a few quick high protein snacks you can make during the day to keep yourself going, and to get you a decent amount of protein.

Protein Powder

Yes this is an obvious one, but if you don’t feel like stuffing your mouth with food, this is a simple solution. Most protein powders will have about 30 grams of protein per scoop, which sufficient for a snack. Blend up some chocolate protein powder in some milk and most powders will taste very good. Again, you’ll want to add some complex carbs into the snack as well.


Nuts in general are high in protein, healthy, and have good fat in them. Yes good fat… meaning not trans or hydrogenated fat… nuts have fat your body needs. Now it is still fat regardless, so don’t gorge on giant meals of nuts every day. And when I say nuts, I don’t mean salted nuts (although a little salt isn’t that bad), or beer nuts, or any type of candied or cooked nuts. If you want to stay healthy, grab some completely plain nuts, or better yet, some trail mix with all sorts of other nutrients in there. Grab a piece of fruit and some complex carbs and you have a very healthy snack with a good amount of protein in it.

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich

Make one of these on whole wheat bread with a glass of milk, and you have yourself a very healthy, filling, and high protein snack. Don’t go for Skippy peanut butter or something like that… it’ll be full of extra garbage which isn’t good for you. Look at your peanut butter label, and look for something with as few ingredients as possible. Ideally it would only have one ingredient… peanuts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4839736

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